John Webb - Online Memorial Website

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John Webb
Born in Ohio
54 years
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Life story
June 20, 1949
Born in Ohio on June 20, 1949.
September 4, 2003
Passed away on September 4, 2003 at the age of 54.
October 18, 2006
John Webb Jr. was my stepdad and he was an amazing man.  I met John when I was a kid, no older than 8 or 9 years old.  I have never seen my mom happier.  He was a family man.  I can't make this site without mentioning the times that we had grilling out on the porch, watching moonlight madness and playing shrimp and yahtzee!!  He was a man that was willing to help anyone and he was also a man that loved to talk.  John would talk to anyone that would talk back or at least someone who would keep their eyes open.  There was a time when he made someone fall asleep and fall of his barstool because he talked to him for so long.  He was the nicest man anyone would ever find and my family was darn lucky to have been blessed with him.  He loved nascar, Sterliing Marlin to be exact and he could watch the weather channel all day.  John worked for the state department, ODOT and he drove truck and helped keep the roads safe for people and he loved his truck, good old 520.  He always said that he would never drive any other truck.  John passed away doing his job three years ago and his memory will never fade.  He left behind a daughter named Ashley, two stepchildren, me and my brother JJ and my mom Tina.  John would have done anything for anyone and thats why I know he is at rest in heaven, a whole new world of people to talk to and he can watch over all of his family and friends at all times.  He is greatly missed by all of those who love him.  Ships of Heaven will always play in all of our hearts for years to come.